Sunday, December 13, 2009

Initial Thoughts from Copenhagen

Greetings all,

Today, Sunday, the Bella Center (where the conference is being held) was closed, but that didn't keep us from engaging the climate movement here in Denmark! Some of our group attended a meeting of YOUNGO (Youth Non-Governmental-Organization), where the news of the hour was that since so many NGO observers have come to rally for an effective solution than were anticipated, a quota system would be enforced, and not all delegates would be granted access to the UN negotiations. The YOUNGO group is working to ensure that youth from the underrepresented global south are not barred from the negotiations that will decide the future of their homes and ways of life. We stand together as allies.

Also today, some of us went to check out Klimaforum, the 'People's Conference', where we heard speakers from the green parties of France, Brazil, Canada, Kenya and Australia, respectively. These representatives universally highlighted the importance of justice and equity in the climate discourse.

Another alternative convergence taking place this week is Hopenhagen. Each night so far, there has been a huge conference in the city square, accented by speakers calling for an agreement that will restore hope to the globe. Today, a massive globe in the middle of the square was illuminated, and displays were open that showcased the average daily water consumption of each country relative to one another, what different states are doing to reduce their carbon footprint, and much more.

Today goes to show that even if some of us do not have the opportunity to be in the Conference, there are still many ways to be involved and active!!

Emma Fujii

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