Friday, January 1, 2010

My Experience, in Pictures

Part of our delegation heading to Copenhagen from LAX.

The insane line outside the Bella Center, where the COP15 talks were held.

A vegetarian advocate at the Bella Center.

A dirty power-plant in the middle of the city

KlimaForum 09: The People's Summit

Audience listening to environmentalist Bill McKibben

Bill McKibben talks about the 350 project

McKibben was forceful about the 350 ppm target

The number everyone is rallying around

President Mohamed Nasheed of the Maldives islands

Nasheed is the most outspoken leader for climate solutions,
because his nation could disappear under rising seas

Protesters outside the COP15 are boxed in by the police

This woman was tear-gassed by the police

This man was part of a medical team for the protest

A journalist tries to get a better view of the proceedings

The COP15 is denounced for producing false solutions

Nearby, a 20-foot art exhibit depicts climate refugees

Gloves given away in the Bella Center

_Andrew Dunn